Internet Service Provider


Internet Service provider is a company or organization that provides service for accessing the internet.

Wireless Internet Service Provider is an Internet Service Provider that allow us to access the internet without cable (wireless).


Classification of ISP

1.     Access Providers

2.     Mailbox Providers

3.     Hosting ISPs

4.     Transit ISPs

5.     Virtual ISPs

6.     Free ISPs

7.     Wireless ISP



Before deciding to choose an Internet Service Provider, we have to consider several things:

1.     Speed


Fiber optics has uploading speeds five times faster than cable. If you are able to afford Verizon FiOS, and live in an area where it is available to you, this should not be a tough decision for you to make.

2.     Cost

We must choose the ISP that have a good speed at a price that is not too expensive. The most important thing is the balance of speed and price.

3.     Type of Connection

The type of connection has a big influence on how fast the internet “feels”.

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