Wide Area Network


Wide Area Network is a computer network between regions, cities or even countries, or can be defined as computer networks that require routers and public communication channels.

Some common types of Wide Area Local connections :

1.     Dedicate Internet Access

A connection that connects end customers directly to the internet, to guarantee full access to the amount of bandwith they are connected for.

2.     Broadband Internet

Is a wide bandwidth data transmission. Broadband Internet has high access speed.

3.     4G/5G Technology

4G is the fourth generation of brandwidth celluler network technology that provide capabilities defined by ITU in IMT Advanced

5G is the fifth generation of cellular network, began deploying worldwide in 2019. All 5G wireless device in a cell are connected to internet and and telephone network by radio wave

4.     MPLS Networks

Allows companies to extend their LAN by passing information from size-to-size. MPLS networks easily tag data from certain application and prioritized it.

5.     SD-WAN Services

Software-defines Wide Area Network. Simplifies the management and operation of WAN

WAN’s Advantages

1.     Allow us to send secret or privacy data to all of your sites without sending it to internet.

2.     Cut cost and increase profits

3.     Guaranteed uptime

4.     Increase Bandwidth

WAN’s Disadvantage

1.     WANs are complicated and complex, so the setup cost is rather high and expensive. The bigger the WAN, the more expensive the setup cost

2.     Maintenance Issues

3.     Security Concern

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